Ó 2007 Predictive Maintenance Technologies LLC
Newberg, OR
Vibration Analysis
Vibration analysis is a non-invasive method to monitor rotating equipment to find problems such as bearing defects, mechanical looseness, out-of-balance conditions and misalignments.

Vibration analysis helps keep production running smoothly by reducing unscheduled downtime, lowering maintenance costs, prolonging machinery life, and increasing safety.
Using portable vibration sensing equipment, a technician periodically monitors equipment looking for deviations from baseline vibration levels.  The technician then reports the level, making recommendations about when repairs or replacements should be done -before an unplanned and costly failure occurs.

Setting up a regular schedule
to monitor your critical equipment is recommended.

This allows us to set up a database of your equipment and become familiar with its allowable vibration levels.  We will then be better able to serve you by recording problems at an early stage - allowing you time to repair a problem before a breakdown occurs. 

Read more about the
Elements of an Effective Predictive Maintenance Program.

97% of sawmills rate
vibration analysis
as the
most valuable service
in the predictive maintenance field. 
-Solutions Magazine August 2002
We use and distribute CTC Vibration Analysis Hardware. 
Contact Hollis or Nathaniel at
Predictive Maintenance Technologies for more information.